Full Sail University

A Super Smash Bros. Champion on What It’s Like to Win the Title


A Super Smash Bros. 赢得冠军的感觉-英雄形象

去年四月,Franck“Farren”Marasigan坐在观众席上观看《OG官网》的首场演出 Super Smash Bros. Melee 观看其他选手争夺冠军的比赛. His title. 他在一周前的资格赛中获得了第一名,现在是时候把它带回家了.

“I was a little anxious,” recalls Farren. “But it was more or less me getting in my own head. This wasn’t a friendly competition at someone’s house; this was an event with a live audience, plus more people watching online. If I messed up, I would be that guy.”

当法伦看着其他球员奋力一决时,他伸出手指让他们暖和起来. 再过几个星期,他就要从Full Sail电影学院的学士og体育毕业了. This was his last chance to cement his legacy. He made a silent promise to himself. 他无论如何都要赢得冠军腰带.

在决赛前一年多的时间里,法伦开始了他的冠军之旅. 一天下课后,他偶然看到一张广告,宣传《OG官网》的《OG官网》. Club.

“I grew up on Super Smash Bros.当我进入《OG官网》时,我开始玩起了竞争性游戏. 我觉得加入俱乐部是结识新朋友、推动我成为一名游戏玩家的好方法。.

几个月来,法伦和俱乐部的其他成员会聚在一起比赛. 他们使用电子表格来跟踪他们的排名并计划活动. When someone couldn’t make it, 他们会把自己的演奏录下来,以便以后观看. 但随着创始成员进入学位项目的最后阶段, the club’s meetings became infrequent.

Right when it looked like the club might disband, Full Sail launched Full Sail Armada这是该校官方的大学电子竞技联盟. 《OG官网》将整合所有现有的游戏俱乐部. They would handle events, scheduling, and the task of promoting the league to new students, which would free up players with limited time. For Farren and his friends, 这一消息意味着他们可以在比赛中结束自己的大学生涯 Super Smash Bros. It was a win-win.

几个月后,Full Sail Armada宣布推出《OG官网》. 近战比赛将在Full Sail现场场地举行. Farren was all in.

比赛那天,法伦坐在观众席上看其他选手比赛. 最后是他和另一个叫克罗斯的球员. He took a deep breath.

“这是我在打球的过程中学到的东西. 每当你感到压力大的时候,停下来,深呼吸,评估一下整个情况. 如果你能一点一点地接受它,它就不会让你不知所措。.

他回想起在Full Sail工作期间竞技游戏带给他的一切. 他怎么不认识电影课程以外的人直到他开始和那个 Super Smash Bros. Club. Thinking about his friends made him feel stronger. 最后,法伦和克罗斯在最后一场比赛中对决. 作为对原版《OG官网》创始人的致敬. 俱乐部,法伦选择了他最好的朋友的颜色和标签代表在最后一轮. In an effort to get in Cross’ head, Farren chose to play as Falco, the character Cross most often used in the game. 由于两人争夺冠军腰带,比赛仍难分胜负.

“I came down to last lives. 有一次,我几乎放弃了比赛,”Farren回忆道. “I knew I had to do something, 最后我跳下了舞台,把对手也拉了下去. I kamikazed my way to a win.”

The Live Venue exploded in cheers.

“当他们拿出腰带时,我简直不敢相信. 在比赛的整个过程中,我一直在想,‘那条腰带是我的.’所以当我赢了,他们把奖杯递给我的时候,一切都回到了原点。.

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