满帆 University

满帆 Celebrates 国际 Education Week with 事件 and Presentations

The week focused on celebrating international students’ cultures and unique experiences.

Three women dancing in colorful Indonesian feathered headdresses, 黄色的裙子, and beaded belts and collars.

上周, 满帆 University and several other national and international colleges took part in 国际 Education Week, which aims to celebrate, 教育, and discuss the ins and outs of student life for international students.

“It’s important because staff and faculty currently don’t have insight into what an international student has to go through to get here,” explains Sandi Foncannon, 国际 Student Coordinator at 满帆.

Every event was an opportunity to illustrate international students’ needs and experiences. “It’s crucial for the faculty to be able to serve their students in the manner in which they need to be served,桑迪说。.

The week kicked off with students and staff coming together to enjoy FusionFest performers from Indonesian and Mexican dance clubs then visiting international student displays in the library to learn more about their countries and cultures. 学生 from all over the world, 包括秘鲁, 中国, 巴西, 尼日利亚, 俄罗斯, and the United Arab Emirates displayed selections of easy cultural crafts, 美味的当地小吃, and fun facts to share with their guests.

On Tuesday, the 国际 Student Department hosted ACIREMA (America spelled backward). The event walked visitors through the complicated international student admissions process, including applying for a visa, taking the required English test, and even exchanging currency into American dollars. In order to make the experience as realistic as possible, staff were not given any instructions and little-to-no direction.

Wednesday included an 国际 Grad Panel featuring recording engineer and producer Ashish Manchanda, brand strategist Phil Pallen, and independent art director and 3D artist Jesus Suarez. Staff and students also had the chance to participate in a workshop with immigration attorney Robert Santos.

As is traditional for 满帆, international students gathered on Thursday for an early, authentic Thanksgiving dinner. “They have a chance to experience what U.S. Thanksgiving is like,” explains Sandi.

Friday’s 校友 Mixer and Global Talent Show and Dance Party wrapped up 国际 Education Week and gave students a chance to let loose, 社交, and (most importantly) network.

国际 Education Week is just one of the many ways 满帆 tries to include and show appreciation for its international students. While the week is entertaining and engaging, it’s also a real look into the hurdles overseas students have to leap over in order to receive a 满帆 education.