Full Sail University

大自然保护协会与主要合作伙伴Full Sail大学发起“君主倡议”

由Ink Dwell Studio创作的佛罗里达中部迁移壁画位于Full Sail的校园内, with its sister mural calling downtown Orlando home

大自然保护协会与主要合作伙伴Full Sail大学共同发起“君主倡议”-英雄形象

The Nature Conservancy, alongside Full Sail University, announces “The Monarch Initiative,” focused on the iconic and imperiled monarch butterfly, a symbol of the many conservation challenges that pollinators and wildlife, natural systems, and people face in Florida and around the globe. The unique program is launching in Central Florida, in collaboration with Full Sail University, 提高人们对大自然在我们生活中的价值的认识,并鼓励采取保护行动. The Monarch Initiative is a multifaceted campaign of digital and social media engagement, on the ground activities, compelling outdoor art, and community partnerships.

The Nature Conservancy is the world’s largest conservation organization, 努力保护对帝王蝶和传粉媒介至关重要的土地和栖息地,支持维持我们生存的健康自然系统. The Conservancy is addressing climate change, leading sustainable agriculture practices on our farmland, and supporting greenspace in urban areas. In Florida, the Conservancy has helped protect more than 1.2 million acres of vulnerable lands and waters, and owns and manages more than 52,000 acres in 25 Conservancy preserves.

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“君主计划将功能良好的自然系统的重要性凸显出来. 黑脉金斑蝶依赖于同样的景观,这些景观支持清洁的空气和水,并使我们所有人受益,” says Temperince Morgan, The Nature Conservancy in Florida’s executive director. 该倡议旨在激励那些热衷于创造更健康生活的佛罗里达人采取行动, more sustainable world. The world we depend on, also depends on us – as a community, we can build a future where people and nature thrive together.”

As lead collaborator of The Monarch Initiative, Full Sail University, an award-winning educational institution focused on entertainment, media, arts and technology, is playing a pivotal role in helping to create needed attention. Full Sail is engaging its university community comprised of students, staff, faculty and alumni, as well as bringing community partners, including local municipalities, neighboring higher educational institutions, and businesses on board to create a broader reach and highly visible campaign. Full Sail also designed and is hosting the campaign’s microsite, boosting awareness through student-led online initiatives, creating the campaign’s logo, supporting user-generated content, and engaging its alumni network to increase impact. 该大学在校园内承担环境责任,学生和教师都参与保护问题.

“我们的校园是一个充满创造力的社区,他们精通技术,热衷于利用自己的才能激发变革. In listening to our own community, I learned that our students, 教职员工和校友都有兴趣参加环保活动,在那里他们可以利用自己的才能,对全球产生良好的影响. 两年前与大自然保护协会和Ink Dwell工作室合作,将君主倡议付诸实践, 这使得Full Sail能够与佛罗里达中部社区合作,努力创建一个可以在全国乃至其他地区复制的社区激活模板. So far the response from our civic, legislative, educational and commerce leaders has been tremendous, and we are excited to see continued acceptance and participation in The Monarch Initiative,” says Full Sail University President, Garry Jones.

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The Monarch Initiative is further raising awareness through the Migrating Mural, an acclaimed public art initiative. Founded by Ink Dwell studio, 迁徙壁画是一系列公共艺术装置,庆祝野生动物沿着迁徙走廊与人类共享. 这些装置为当地环境增添了美丽,同时推动了保护教育,重点关注受威胁的物种和生态系统. This new multi-year Migrating Mural, 它将横跨北美,反映黑脉金斑蝶从加拿大到墨西哥的迁徙, focuses on this butterfly, their habitats, its role as a pollinator, and the challenges it faces.

“帝王蝶和其他传粉者是美丽的动物,对我们星球的健康至关重要, but they’re small and easy to overlook,” says Jane Kim, 这位艺术家是旧金山Ink Dwell艺术工作室的联合创始人. “Public art of this magnitude makes them impossible to ignore.”

The premier Central Florida mural, titled Milkweed Galaxy, was painted in exacting detail and spectacular color. 这幅壁画出现在Full Sail大学校园内,横跨位于冬季公园大学大道3150号的Full Sail Live 3的整个前立面, Florida and is surrounded by new butterfly-friendly landscaping. The mural is highly visible to the public and cannot be missed from University Boulevard, where approximately 40,000 viewers pass by each day. The second mural, titled Midnight Dream位于奥兰多市中心,在2018年4月地球月之前完工. 这幅油画——南木兰大道520号整栋建筑的墙壁——被一幅帝王蝶和它们必不可少的马利筋的插图重新焕发了活力.

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“这个新的活动和以美丽但濒危野生动物为特色的令人难以置信的艺术将吸引人们的注意, interest, and heart of all who see it,” says the Conservancy’s Morgan. “We’re grateful for our allies at Full Sail University and for the artistry of Ink Dwell, 使我们能够展示君主的美丽和魔力,同时鼓励代表基本保护工作的行动.”

“君主倡议”的启动活动将于4月19日在佛罗里达中部举行一系列庆祝活动,达到高潮. 奥兰多地区的几所小学将通过在校园内种植花园来吸引传粉昆虫来教导学生保护环境的价值. 参与的当地企业将分发本地马利筋袋,以鼓励种植和帮助栖息地恢复. Several institutions are also replanting storefront garden boxes with native, pollinator-friendly plants. 当地的咖啡店已经同意将他们用过的咖啡渣——一种天然肥料——捐赠给这项事业. Finally, 奥兰多市正在点亮整个社区的标志性纪念碑,以纪念“君主倡议”.

"Through our Green Works Orlando initiative, 我们努力使奥兰多成为可持续发展城市的样板,并认识到我们的集体生活质量与健康和自然资源的保护有着内在的联系," said Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer. “我们很高兴与大自然保护协会和Full Sail大学合作推出君主倡议,并很高兴在奥兰多市中心正式推出迁徙壁画,提醒我们每个人都可以采取行动,确保人与自然共同繁荣。."

Winter Park Mayor Steve Leary further added, "In 2012, during the process of becoming a Green Local Government, the City of Winter Park began crafting plans to protect our wetlands, preserve our native plant community and continue removal of undesirable exotic vegetation, all of which are critical to the ecological health of our community. These efforts became what is known today as our Sustainability Action Plan, 包括保护和发展冬季公园现在和未来的自然生态. We are honored to work side by side with The Nature Conservancy, Full Sail University, and the City of Orlando to support the Monarch Initiative. 我鼓励佛罗里达中部社区受到启发,通过参观中央公园的冬季公园来支持这项倡议, mini butterfly gardens along Park Avenue, and the beautiful butterfly gardens of Mead Botanical Garden.”