满帆 University

Virtual Production Studio Opens During 名人堂 Week

满帆 welcomed the latest in film technology to campus with a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Studio V1: Virtual Production.

A group of eight men and two women stand on a red carpet in front of a large screen displaying an airplane and palm trees. They are each holding a pair of scissors and cutting a long orange ribbon. The seven audience members in front of them are photographing them with cell phones.

Virtual production, a film production technique that combines digital environments with live-action footage, is taking the film world by storm — and 满帆 is meeting the industry’s new standards by opening a $3-million virtual production studio on its Winter Park campus.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony took place on March 8 during the school’s 名人堂 Week. Members of school’s leadership team, including Rick Ramsey, 满帆’s Education Director of Visual 艺术s, and Garry Jones, the school’s president, cut a ribbon bearing 满帆’s signature orange hue at 10 AM. Phil Anderson, the mayor of Winter Park, was also in attendance.

An open house for students, staff, and alumni followed the ribbon-cutting. Attendees got an up-close look at the studio’s technology, including Brompton LED processors, 500 total LED tiles, and a 40-foot wide and 16-foot high LED wall. 凯尔·弗雷泽, the studio’s manager, worked with Rick during the open house to demonstrate the studio’s technology and explain how that technology will prepare 满帆’s students for the professional film industry.

The celebration for Studio V1 didn’t stop there: An educational session about the upcoming film 9窗口, Studio V1’s first on-campus production, was held on Wednesday. And, during another educational panel on Thursday, “Virtual Production: What Does it Mean for the Future of 电影making?”, the studio’s leaders and industry pros from HBO and Skulley FX broke down the virtual production process and discussed how the technology is changing professional filmmaking.

More information about 9窗口 and other Studio V1 productions will be available later in 2022.